Thursday, January 15, 2009

No Shows and What To Do...

How many of you are in a sales/marketing position within your company? Most posts are about pretty, frilly or event stuff. However, today is one of those days where we have to balance our blog from all this light-hearted stuff to some reality. It caught my attention when I started to hear horror stories from friends, colleagues and within our company.


We are all guilty at least once in our lifetimes of missing or just plain not showing up for appts. However, the majority of us are very on par about calling and apologizing. Sometimes we don't realize how much it does bother us if they don't show. So today is all about calling ahead and confirming.

I have three simple steps in my opinion that should be followed:

1) Set the appointment and make sure they understand how valuable your time is as well as theirs. It works both ways.

2) Let them know you will be confirming the appointment 1 or 2 times before the proposed meeting time so they now you are serious. (Yes most of us are SURE about our appts and ALWAYS show up), but remember who your audience is. If my money is on the line, I will be confirming as I think about it.

3) Always try and get a day-of confirmation. Although it may not be answered in time, it does put the responsibility on the other party to at least make an effort to communicate.

Bonus) Never settle for less. No matter who the appointment is, always treat them with the same courtesy and respect as you would any other person.

If these tops do not help or do not make your life(whether business or professional) better, then sometimes the client isn't worth having. You can only chase so much before it becomes a losing battle.

In our industry, we see very few business professionals breaking this for our wedding side. It's impossible to tell. We clients all day long that seem uninterested in the fact that they can save money...yet these are the ones who always show up and buy...the others who seem interested and want to hire someone ASAP seem to just not show every once in a while. This has caused many sales/marketing reps to stay in the office and make their client come to them. Although unorthodox and a little off-beat, it has proved to save money for those unwilling to make contact for absenteeism. So next time you are wondering about a client standing you up, don't be afraid to meet in a central location or at your office. It may be inconvenient, but your office also holds all the materials you need to close the sell, not just progress it!

Good luck in 2009!


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